Monday, 13 August 2007

The Mental Game of Money

Today I want to discuss with you the simple yet remarkable secret that took me from struggling entrepreneur without enough money to last a month, to a millionaire in just 6 months!

I had worked on many business opportunities, both online and offline. I had tried multi-level marketing, I had built a small computer networking business that was not generating enough profits to pay me a living income and I was frustrated because I could see so many other people succeeding where I was not, but all that changed very fast.

Today I have just finished dinner with my son and daughter and I noticed that like so many kids they always leave their vegetables to last and then push them around the plate for a while before eating them. It’s a bit like when they have an unpleasant pill to swallow or some foul tasting cough mixture to take, they spend several long minutes staring at it visualising how bad it is going to be and really associating with the thought of it.
This is so common, not only in children but in many adults as well. The thought of something unpleasant stops us from receiving the benefit we really desire. In the case of vegetables it is a healthy body; the medicine, relief from an illness. If it were just these simple things it would not be a problem, but often our visualization can hold us back from achieving the really wonderful things we want.
Sometimes the way we think and visualise means we take the wrong action, whilst the opposite thinking would propel us forward through strong positive action.
When I learned how my thinking and more to the point my habitual thought processes that I held on a continual basis were acting like a powerful magnet, holding me at a set level in my live, I knew that I had to change. The decision to change my future was a very powerful one, but I did not know how.

The journey to find the answers lead me to a wide variety of teachers and techniques, and eventually to become a millionaire.

If you plan to become a millionaire, then the first thing you are going to have to win is the mental game of money!

When you think like a millionaire, you become a millionaire – it is really that simple.

Science of Getting Rich
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of Getting Rich with Free Lessons.

So the question arises, “How do I change my thinking?”

This is a relatively simple process, but one that is also quite hard to do. It takes real determination to do it, but once done, you life will never be the same again.

The process is simple, first you decide on the life you want, you decide on the type of person you want to be, the lifestyle you want to have. Second you use your powerful imagination to visualize your life in that way, you see yourself as the person you wish to become, and finally from that place of certainty you take the action necessary to make it happen.

OK, that is it in a nutshell, but of cause the power is in the detail.

Over the next few issues I will be looking at the various techniques for achieving this and looking at additional resources you can use to help you realize your dream life.

Until next time,

Visualize your dreams, and make them happen.

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