Thursday, 20 September 2007

Happiness is not the result of success – it is the fuel of success.

All too often people look for happiness in the future, waiting until they have achieved their goal, bought their house, finished college, found their ideal partner – the list goes on.
Looking of happiness in the future has two major problems:
  1. It blocks feeling happy now
  2. It reduces the likelihood of achieving the goal you are waiting for.
It has been shown scientifically that when you are unhappy your whole being functions in a significantly degraded way, that your health, both mentally and physically is reduced.
However, when you are happy tests have shown that you think better, perform better, feel better, you are healthier, your senses function better, your memory functions more efficiently, even your internal organs work more efficiently.

It is for this reason that happiness is one of the crucial ingredients for success and wealth creation, and one that should be the first area you focus on.
The key to happiness is the exact opposite to the method of feeling un-happiness. So if you are feeling unhappy then you can immediately and reliably alter you feelings at will, and this is a very simple process. However, simple does not mean easy, because we generally live our lives from our habitual ways of thinking. The paradigms that we have had, often for many years that prevent us from feeling the emotions we want, are tightly ingrained into our thought processes. In order to change these paradigms, we must create new habits of thought, and new habits are formed by repeatedly doing something differently.

Learn to respond instead of react.

When we react to the events and circumstances around us we are operating from the habitual programming of our past, but when we respond we consider the situation and decide on the best way forward.
So it is important to decide that you are no longer going to let your previous brainwashing push you around and make you feel emotions that are not empowering. Make a commitment to yourself that any “stinking thinking” is going to be replaced with positive, empowering thinking, which will propel you forward in life.

It has been shown that virtually any habit can be broken with a concerted effort of about 21 days. Maxwell Maltz, in his outstanding book Psycho Cybernetics, gives a programme of action to take for 21 days to massively change your thinking.

I have dubbed this programme the “Daily Happiness Habit.” If you follow these simple steps for the next 21 days, you are sure to change your life for the better.

Daily Happiness Habit
  1. I will be as cheerful as possible
  2. I will try to feel and act a little more friendly toward other people
  3. I am going to be a little less critical and a little more tolerant of other people, their faults, failings and mistakes. I will place the best possible interpretation upon their actions.
  4. Insofar as possible, I am going to act as though success were inevitable, and I am the sort of personality I want to be. I will practice “acting like” and “feeling like” this new personality.
  5. I will not let my opinion colour facts in a pessimistic or negative way.
  6. I will practice smiling at least three times during the day.
  7. Regardless of what happens I will react as calmly and intelligently as possible.
  8. I will ignore completely and close my mind to all those pessimistic and negative “facts” which I can do nothing to change.
If you follow these steps consistently for the next 21 days, and then continue them as part of you new self image, you will see miraculous changes in your life.
You will find that you are able to think better, being more focussed mentally as well as being calmer and clearer in your thought.
You will perform better, with less effort, you will notice that tasks that took longer or were very tiring, are now easier and just seam to “flow.”
You will feel better in yourself, more able to cope with the things that come to you and enjoying the challenges as they arise.
You will also notice that you are healthier, suffering less sickness and disease.
The result will be more confidence and more success. Doing the things you need to do to be all that you could ever wish to be will become second nature.

Practice these steps and really take your life forward rapidly.

To your success and happiness.
All the best,

P.S. Sign-up for your 7 free lessons NOW.

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